
About exists to help sufferers of chronic illness regain their health and their life. If that’s you, it is no small thing that you have connected with us - thank you.

We understand the pain of invisible chronic illness, and the isolation, humiliation and hopelessness it brings.

We understand the agony of life passing you by, and being painful even when you know it should be wonderful.

But we believe that change is possible and we believe you, and here are our commitments to you:

  1. We believe you. We believe you know your own body, its problems, and what works and doesn’t work.
  2. We believe in data over ‘experts’. We don’t have a barrel to push for any particular health school of thought. The human body is more than a complicated machine and the hubris of some professionals in preferencing their theory over the person in front of them is part of the problem. We don’t presume to decree how the body should operate, and our sole aim is to help you find solutions that work for you regardless of whether an expert accepts it.
  3. We will never allow profit to bias the options presented to you. Biased recommendations from practitioners, big pharma and big data are part of the problem so we jealously guard our independence.

Chris and Nigel
